Somatic Therapist in Boulder, CO
Come Home to Yourself
You’re someone who feels your emotions in your body. Your jaw clenches, your heart races, and your hands shake. Yet, when was the last time you acknowledged these movements?
When was the last time you sat with your hands, your heart, your jaw, your shoulders, or chest with curiosity about the signals they might be sending you?
Coming home to yourself is more than talking things out – it’s decluttering context in your body you may not be aware of. Movement can regulate a dysregulated nervous system. It can sift through the cluttered context and clarify your voice.
When we connect with ourselves on a physiological level, we can disconnect from the stories we’ve gathered from dominant culture, families of origin, and school that do not serve us.
You can finally sit with yourself, and only yourself, to discover what it means to be beautifully and uniquely you.
Once you have that, you have a compass to guide you in every other area of your life.
Are you ready to come home to yourself?

What is somatic psychotherapy?
Somatic psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that connects the mind and body into a therapeutic process. It is based on the reality that our psychology is deeply impacted and shaped by our physiology. By working with a somatic therapist and bringing the body into our therapeutic work, we can address parts of our psychology that may have felt stuck for a long time.
By approaching our psychology at the core of where they originate, our bodies, we can release negative patterns and learn to trust and lean into our own wisdom.
I use this type of therapy to help people overcome codependency, ambivalence, indecisiveness, low self esteem, and depression. But, somatic psychotherapy is used for a wide range of issues.
Who I Work With
At the heart of my practice are women who feel like there’s something they need to fix to be able to live a life that’s waiting for them. These women come in different shapes and forms, like moms of any age, 20 somethings, and teens.
One thing I’ve found during my work as a somatic therapist is that many of these women have something in common: There’s nothing you need to fix.
Everything you need is within. I can help you shed the pieces that are keeping you from yourself to find that person who’s already qualified, ready, and sure.
Therapy for moms
Being a mom is part of your whole. You’re developing alongside your child.
But you’ve noticed dominant mom culture is (more often than not) oppressive and aggressive.
There’s no one more qualified than you to guide your child through life. And, no one more qualified than you to create your own path.
I work with moms that feel lost and are ready to find their path back to themselves.
I work with moms that strive for being present over perfect.
I work with moms who are wondering if there’s more to life than optimizing every moment with their child.
Let’s teach you to hear and trust your intuition – without the noise pulling you in different directions.
Therapy for 20 Somethings
Have you ever felt like when you look at your peers, they have it all together…
…and then panicked because you don’t feel like you do?
It’s natural in your 20s to feel like you’re in limbo, or navigating a liminal space. Each decision you make can feel inconsequential, or like it may change the trajectory of your entire life.
So making decisions is either discouraging or crippling.
You deserve to feel sure of your decisions, and capable of changing them if they don’t become what you hope.
You deserve to trust your gut, heart, and mind to lead you through life – without pressure from those around you or society at large.
I can help you find the inner voice meant to guide you during these exciting times.
Therapy for teens
Growing up is hard, and teens today face an incredible amount of pressure.
They’re constantly worried if they’re doing enough to get into a good college…
Or if college is even the right step for them.
They have to grapple about how they appear to their peers in person and online.
Their formative years are molded by tumultuous politics, a pandemic, rampant shootings, and world-wide violence.
Helping a teen prepare for the next phase of life (or navigate a difficult one) is a kind way to set your child up for success.
Let’s talk about their options and make a plan together.
Hi – I’m Jill
If you looked at my knees, you know what you’d see? Scars. I’m human too.
I was walking a path where I was busy looking outward, away from myself to see what my life was supposed to be. Everyone seemed to have what I wanted. Why couldn’t I get what I wanted when I was trying so hard to do everything right?
It wasn’t a magical switch that silenced the voices of doubt, comparison, and despair. Rather, I truly have found a profound freedom in shifting my orientation from ‘out there’ to ‘in here’.
Here’s a secret: Some of those scars are fresher than hell because orienting from ‘in here’ doesn’t mean I’m no longer making mistakes. I’m just doing them on my terms – which makes each mistake actually feel worth it.
As a somatic therapist, I help my clients cultivate reliable ways to find your way home because I know how life changing it can be to have a sense of empowerment, purpose, and satisfaction.
Client Appreciation
“I had the pleasure of working with Jill in a small group setting where as participants she masterfully guided and held a most beautiful somatic journey of inquiry into the concept of home, coming home and home base in the body. We explored what it means to allow these places to help inform our actions, thoughts and speech. The evenings were rich with opportunity to be in silence with ourselves, to interact with each other and to share verbally, nonverbally, through art and the written word. Jill’s ability to hold space, guide movement and self exploration, and to notice important subtleties will surely prove to be of great benefit to you and your healing journey.”
Discern What’s Really For You
I’m available for virtual and in person appointments. Let’s uncover your most authentic self and discover the beauty of being exactly who you are.